3M Product Number: 8896
3M ID Number: 7000123856 3M UPC Number: 21200355271 3M Legacy Product Number: 70006273281
Additional Product Information:
Clean Removal Leaves Less Mess
Strapping tapes are high strength, reliable and affordable solutions for product and package integrity. For securing large or heavy components during transport, these tapes provide important application benefits for manufacturers of metal products, furniture, appliances, automotive parts, and sporting goods. The tape is designed to secure shelving, racks, doors, panels, cords and parts in place, from plant to install. Available in blue, white and ivory to suit a variety of customer needs.
Our Scotch® Strapping Tape 8896 features 170 lb. tensile strength and the polypropylene backing provides proper stiffness for manual or semi-automatic dispensing. It offers excellent abrasion, moisture, and scuff resistance to hold packaging materials, spacers, corner boards, power cords and other hard-to-manage parts firmly in place.
Recommended Applications