3M Product Number: 3903
3M ID Number: 7100152407 3M UPC Number: 21200449895 3M Legacy Product Number: 70007506937
Additional Product Information:
Dependability and Versatility for Bundling, Sealing, Reinforcing and More
Our 3M™ Vinyl Duct Tape 3903 is able to withstand temperatures up to 200°F (93°C). Available in a wide selection of colors, it works well for process tagging, marking, highlighting hazards, color coding, identification, and enhancing decor. The tape tears easily, across or down, without curling.
Recommended Applications
Bringing Better Ideas to the Surface through Science and Innovation
In our 3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division, we apply the science of adhesion to deliver innovative solutions that improve the design and manufacturing processes of companies around the world. In the end, our technologies help customers like you deliver competitive products to the market faster and more efficiently.